Studying Kabbalah

Year Long Course in Experiential Kabbalah
Kabbalah is a system of metaphysical teachings, a system for understanding Self, the Divine, and how Everything works. I have been teaching Kabbalah as a year-long series for over a decade.

As a Shaman, my take on this body of work focuses on the patterns between things, the interplay of the energies, and the flow of the whole. My own keynotes of Empowerment, community, and equality/equity factor heavily into my teachings. As we move more deeply into the Paradigm Shift, that information is being added into the course as well.

Using the glyph of the Tree of Life, we will travel from where we are to the highest accessible vibration over the course of a year. We will be breaking processes, views, actions, and thoughts into manageable parts. This is accessible mysticism that you can apply right away in your daily life.

Every month, we work with a new aspect of the information. Immediately, you will experience the energies working in your life; doing this journey with a cohort/class enables you to see the patterns more clearly as you and your classmates talk about the changes and highlights in your lives.

We will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month through December. All classes will be offered live via Zoom; I would like to do the 10th class as an in-person retreat, but that will be dependent on a number of factors.

Class fees this year are $10 monthly Patreon support plus $11 to $72/month, depending on what you can afford (plus retreat costs if we end up doing that); those fees can be tacked on to your Patreon pledge, please ask me if you’re not sure how to do that. Class fees include digital materials, class recordings, and a discussion forum for this cohort only. If you are taking this for the second+ time, please talk to me about fees if this is a hardship.