What in the World: Ley Lines and Sacred Space

In this episode, we talk some more about math, as well as Stonehenge, lay lines, and sacred sites around the world. My ever fabulous Social Media Marketing Assistant, Teagan, says I should give y’all more resources, like links, and she and Dave put together this treasure trove for you: (1:33) Is Math real? (3:26) Ayamanatara…

What in the World: Sacred Math, Angkor Wat, and Colonization

In this episode, we talk Sacred geometry, Sacred Numbers, and Sacred Math; reality as a hologram; remembering where we came from; Angkor Wat; and Colonization… mostly. What In The World…? is a podcast that covers metaphysics, ancient civilizations, archeological digs, alien contact, angels, deities, folks with better technology that we have, and any other esoteric…