Books & CDs

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Faery Spiral: Library of Arcadia is a series of newly-channeled books from the land of Faery. A committee of beings from the other side of the veil contacted the author through a stone, which had been programmed with all of the knowledge of Faery. Volume One: Coming Home guides the reader through the process of reconnection – with Nature, with their community, and with themselves. The Faery tell us that it is through this reconnection process that we will raise our vibration and rejoin Arcadia as the beings we intended to be.
Purchase Digital Download – available as a PDF, in Kindle format, and formatted for other digital readers ($7.99)
Physical Copy via Amazon

365 Days to Enlightenment is a book of action-oriented daily reflections for seekers all levels and from all sorts of backgrounds. Pulling from traditions as diverse as Bon Po Buddhism, the Lakota Nation, and the Kabbalah, this book can be used in a myriad of ways to help you move forward on your spiritual path, come to a greater understanding of yourself and the Divine, and even bring you to a place of enlightenment. Its easy-to-use format and clear direction is a comfort for those who have been confused or overwhelmed by other, more esoteric texts on the subject.

The Shift
The digital edition, complete with 22 guided meditations, updated for 2012 (and still valid today)!
The Third Edition of Ayamanatara’s internationally acclaimed book & meditation set, originally published in 2002, that addresses the ways in which things don’t work the way they used to, how they work now, how they will work in the future, the true meaning of 2012, and most importantly how to work most effectively with the new energies to create forward progress, success, and personal equilibrium and comfort.

The Source
Guided Meditations
sales link coming soon!

Digital Meditations available on the Meditations page