[Monday Message] Spiritual Problem Solving

The problem, the challenge, lies in figuring out what we are doing. Life is just a series of solutions. In the beginning In the beginning, there was The All. That was boring. The All wanted to better understand itself. It turns out the deepest understanding comes from experience. But how to create experience, when all…

[Monday Message] Do it differently

The only constant is change. May of us do not like chaos, but chaos is inherent in creation, all creativity comes from chaos. It is the burst of energy that gives the impulse of Spirit to life. When we give in to the ego attachment to stasis, we are willing the Universe to cease to…

[Monday Message] Be Heyoka, the Sacred Clown

Comedians, at least the good ones, are the modern day fool; they take on the role of the Heyoka, the sacred clown. They get you to look at things in a different way, to recognize the absurd in everyday life. It is their role to offer us the possibility of changing the world. I think…