[Monday Message] Uncovering Who You Are

Uncovering who you are is much like a sculptor creating their art. I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. I created a vision of David in my mind and simply carved away everything that was not David. -Michelangelo Your essence, your very core being, simply is. There is…

[Monday Message] Relax Into the Flow

When you relax into the flow of what is, of how things really work, when you allow the physical to support the mind, and the mind to support the Spirit, all will be well. The things of the heart are more weighty and more powerful than the things of the mind. They carry more energy,…

[Monday Message] Realistic Self Worth

Many wisdom keepers and wisdom sharers advise not basing your sense of self worth on the opinions of others, good or bad. That’s just another manner in which we give our power away. Measuring your self worth by the emotions of others is a sure-fire way to drain your energy, stunt your growth, and make…

Getting Ready for Change

If you’re Jewish, you don’t need me to tell you that Rosh Hashanah begins on Sunday. If you’re Wiccan, you don’t need me to tell you that we are approaching Samhain. If you aren’t either of those faiths, I’m just going to let you know they are markers of the New Year. Not all calendars…

[Monday Message] Life is an Adventure

Do you allow adventure in? If not, why not? What stops you? What fears come up that keep you from living your dreams? Are the worst case scenarios of those fears really as bad as knowing that you will be disappointed at the end of your life that, when opportunity knocked, you didn’t even open…

Taking your power back during Mercury Retrograde

This post is excerpted from the September newsletter Humans are wired to notice the negative more than the positive. At one point in our evolution, it was a survival skill. The point might have been your childhood, but maybe you were lucky and it’s just an ancient ancestors thing. In any event, this tendency, which…

[Monday Message] You Are That Powerful!

“You Are That Powerful!” used to be the tagline of this website, because that’s what I told my clients and students. I still do, really; the focus of this site has expanded to include Unity and Community now. You are a part of the Divine. A cell in the body of the Divine, if you…

A faery-based awareness exercise

The Faery suggest: Go out into a garden, and take your shoes off. Feel the texture of the ground. Squat down and place your hands in the dirt, if you can. Feel the quality of it. Is it moist? Dry? Hard? Soft? Crumbly? Sticky? What does it smell like? Taste it, if you dare, just…

What the heck is a sacred gyroscope?

A Sacred Gyroscope is a shamanic way of looking at and interacting with your world. It helps you see where you are in the world. It enhances your strengths and bolsters your weaknesses. It can show you your path. It can protect you. It includes the relational directions like left, right, up, and down, as…

[Meditation] Empowerment

I’ve uploaded a new empowerment meditation. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a Meditation Playlist, if…

[Monday Message] Personal power

Your personal power, disconnected from the whole, is a finite resource. When we connect to the Universe, or even just the heart of the planet, we connect to an infinite source of energy that is our birthright by virtue of us being here, now. Sometimes that connection happens despite the best efforts of the negative…

[Monday Message] The Miracle of Manifestation

One of the keys to manifestation is to allow for the possibility that a miracle could occur. Miracle: /ˈmirək(ə)l/ noun – a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency; a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or…