Looking into December 2021

December 2021 will be about finding the right questions to ask. Sometimes we aren’t getting clear answers because we’re not actually asking the right questions. Play with that a little.

The month kicks off with Hanukah and a New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (12/4). Although there are some challenging planetary aspects here, Sag has a lot of Jupiter energy, which I always liken to The Ghost of Christmas Present in Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. The day of the Eclipse has a lot of Mercury energy, though, and your life is going to go much more smoothly if you practice restraint and conscious thought in your words (and maybe cut those who didn’t get the memo some slack). In other words, take the high ground.

If you haven’t found the right gift (if that’s your thing) for someone special, the second week seems fortuitous – it’s all about generosity and being in abundance. If you’re attending gatherings, think about how you can enhance that gathering, rather than what you are going to get out of it. Generosity can be generosity of spirit, it doesn’t have to be about money.

Then there is both a Geminid Meteor Shower and a Full Moon in Gemini at the end of week 3. The stress of the past year may be getting to you, and I wouldn’t be terribly surprised for people to be having some drastic mood swings. You’ll be feeling pulled or called (depending on your proclivities) to go be social; remember to check in with yourself and honor those days where you need a moment.

The week of Solstice and Giftmas is going to see more change than we might have been expecting. Just roll with it, surf the wave, whatever your favorite metaphor is here. Technically we don’t more into the shadow of Mercury Retrograde until the following week, but those cycles have been having longer legs the last few years. The manifestation aspect of Mercury will be strong this week, so listen to your intuition and mind where you allow your attention to linger. Conscious, deliberate action will serve you well.

The energy is going to s l o w d o w n for last week of the calendar year. Yes, more than usual. Schedule in some self care, meditation, relaxation, quiet family time, blanket fort retreat – whatever you’ve been needing, as long as the energy of it is chill. We’re turning the page and entering a new chapter of the Paradigm Shift, and if you give yourself the space, you’ll get to witness the transition.

A bit closer to now, we have been getting rid of what no longer works, sometimes willingly and sometimes not. To that end, the move from December 2021 into January 2022 is going to feel somewhat victorious. We have succeeded in getting rid of a lot. There is absolutely still work to do. We seem closer to the light at the end of the tunnel, though. Give yourself a bit of a breather.

This is from the December Newsletter. Want to receive the monthly newsletter in your inbox? Sign up here!

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