Mars, the Sun, and the Debate

This just in from SpaceWeather: A CME is heading for Mars. According to a NASA model, the storm cloud will strike the Red Planet on June 27th. The impact could spark global auroras and erode a small amount of the planet’s atmosphere. As I said on the 18th, when solar flares hit other planets, this…

Planetary Energy and Solar Flares

A quick post about planetary energy, affected by the Sun, in turn affecting us… From SpaceWeather: A pair of CMEs launched from the farside of the sun on June 17th are approaching Mercury and Venus. The double-strike on Mercury (today) will pepper the planet’s rocky surface with high energy electrons, igniting X-ray auroras at ground…

Whatcha doing?

What are any of us doing? We, the individual, separated ourselves from Ourself (The Divine) in order to have experiential understanding of All That Is. The Divine wanted to understand Itself better. In order to do that thoroughly, we had to forget that we were Divine, otherwise we would never experience That Which Is Not…

How the solar activity is contributing to the Paradigm Shift

We’ve been having a lot of solar activity lately, which contribute to the edginess people are feeling from the Plutonian energy and the vibration from Mercury in Aries. So a lot of people are feeling jangly and/or drained. Or both, which is especially fun! Some public posts from my Patreon: April 16th April 19th April…

Solar flares & eclipses & shifts, oh my!

We move into the Shadow of Mercury Retrograde on Monday, and it’s going to feel like we’re speeding up rather than slowing down. All the more reason to do everything consciously and with intention. We’ve got a Super Full Moon Eclipse, followed by a Solar Eclipse at the New Moon 2 weeks later, both visible…

Shifting into a 12-field system

Is it March that comes in like a lion out goes out like a lamb? This year I think it’s more coming in like a individualist and going out like a dreamer… See, we’re having an interesting phenomenon in the first half of the year where the planets, although they are moving, are bunching up,…

The current energies of the paradigm shift

I’ve been talking a lot about the current energies in my weekly forecasts on Patreon, and in my moon observances (New Moon Ritual Meditation, Shamanic Journey, and Full Moon Goddess Circle), but I keep neglecting to come over here to the blog and tell you about them. I dictated this very long post the other…

[Monday Message] Kindness leads to joy leads to kindness

One of the spectrums of attitudes that people bring to their interactions has, on one end, nothing but boundaries and, on the other end of that spectrum, there are zero boundaries. Some people call these bitchy and nice, but these are generally people who would prefer that you have no boundaries, or who have been…

[Monday Message] What do you want?

You can’t always what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.” -The Rolling Stones A human being needs only three things — shelter, sustenance (food, water, air, light), and human contact — in order to survive. To do more than just survive, a human being also…

[Monday Message] What do you stand for?

Last week, I wrote about priorities, and suggested you figure out what the three areas in your life which are most important to you are. Those are (or speak to) your core values. If you know your core values, you know what you stand for, you know what you’ll fight form, and you know what…

[Monday Message] Resisting change

Why do we so often find ourselves resisting change? The third chakra, which sits at the solar plexus, is the lower mental body. It is the seat of our individuation, whence logic and intelligence come, and the internalization of the polarity that exists out in the Universe. It is, for most westerners, our main operating…

[Gratitude] Thinking Positively

A number of years ago, I did a forty day practice of labyrinth walks. Based on the astrology of this month into next month, I feel called to do a practice of gratitude, based on the theme of the day, for the next 40 days. The themes are based on a kabbalistic formula that I…