The cliffnotes/teal deer version of my forecast from Patreon about today:
- • Be practical
• Do the hard thing.
• Deep feels
• There is a benefit to taking some time to stand by yourself and process recent events and to understand what you want
• This may be a day of Truths, pay attention – also use your critical thinking
• Words are important – say what you mean and mean what you say. Also check what other people say against your BS detector
• On the political front, this may be a day of powerful action taken to pressure or influence (or both)
• A burst of intensity and passion
And my Message of the Day:
- July 21 – Removing fear’s importance
Fear only has as much weight as we give it. When a fear gets in the way of you achieving a goal, don’t get all wrapped up in the fear. Instead, take a look at the goal and remember why it is important to you, why you chase after it, what its true meaning is for you. Then go after it anyway, regardless of the fear.
I can hear you lamenting that I don’t understand, that your fear is bigger than that and won’t be ignored, and that I make it so simple. This is your negative ego telling you lies. Try what I have suggested. Just try it. Allow for the possibility that you might be pleasantly surprised.
And feel yourself soar above the fear.
Hopefully this helps if you’re feeling taken aback. I’ve got a class coming up next month that may help longer term.