Meditation made easy

I have had the pleasure of sitting with Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche, founder of the Yungdrung Bön Center, a few times. He recommended meditating on happiness for at least 20 minutes, once in the morning and once before bed. If it helps you, start by remembering something that has brought you deep happiness in the past,…

On the events of the day

The cliffnotes/teal deer version of my forecast from Patreon about today: • Be practical • Do the hard thing. • Deep feels • There is a benefit to taking some time to stand by yourself and process recent events and to understand what you want • This may be a day of Truths, pay attention…

Venus entered Pisces on Monday

Venus is the planet that is in charge of what matters to us the most. She will tell you what’s important to you, if you didn’t already know. She likes it in Pisces; there is the potential here for love, abundance, flow, beauty, kindness, and harmony at a higher level. Key word: potential. There is…

What is your wheel? (Part 1)

Your “wheel” helps you see where you are in the world. It enhances your strengths and bolsters your weaknesses. It can show you your path. It can protect you. There is this tendency for a teacher or an author to say “this plant/element/color/critter/season is in the North and this one is in the East, this…

The current energies of the paradigm shift

I’ve been talking a lot about the current energies in my weekly forecasts on Patreon, and in my moon observances (New Moon Ritual Meditation, Shamanic Journey, and Full Moon Goddess Circle), but I keep neglecting to come over here to the blog and tell you about them. I dictated this very long post the other…

What is DBT and why is it on my calendar?

Sometimes I offer classes, like DBT, that don’t seem like they belong with the rest of my offerings. There’s always a reason though. [Also, to be clear, this is not me leading a class so much as holding space for a peer-led group. I am not a state-licensed therapist and anyone in the group also…

Butterflies & Grackles & Bees (oh my)

I’m on the island of Roátan this week. It’s a magical place. My husband scuba dives, and I tagged along. I managed to get up in time for breakfast today. I’m not a morning person, and we’re an hour ahead here. It’s taking me longer than usual to clear my head and get grounded. It…

[Meditation] Healing the Impulse to Negative Self Talk

I have uploaded a new meditation to my YouTube Channel to help with having better self-dialogue. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube…

[Meditation] Dissolving Negativity

I have uploaded a new meditation to my YouTube Channel to help dissolve negativity. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every…

[Monday Message] Slow Down

Oftentimes, I find myself rushing when what I really need to do is slow down. The only moment that exists is right now. When I ruminate too much on the past, I’m obsessing about things I can’t change. When I project too far into the future, I’m living in stories, and I’m ineffectual. I live…

[Monday Message] The Path

Why are we here? As a whole, I believe humanity is here to have all the experiences possible, so The Divine can have an experiential understanding of ourselves. Individually, our higher selves have chosen the path we will take in order to have those experiences. Since time is an illusion, all of the experiences and…

[Monday Message] Acting consciously

What if your entire life felt sacred? All you really have to do is to act consciously. Acting Consciously turns your life into a form of prayer. “All you have to do” may be misleading, because, while this is a simple concept it is not easy. The only moment that exists is right now. Here….