Navigating the Paradigm Shift at the Full Moon in Gemini

This weekend is the Gemini Full Moon. Full Moon, in general, is a time of heightened emotions and things previously hidden coming to light. Our inner world, our body, reflects out into the world. From a Shamanic point of view, the world is always a reflection of our inner processes, but it takes on a particular flavor at Full Moon, and our filters can fall away.

There’s still a weird sexist tendency in our society, even amongst witches, to claim that women are more connected to the Moon. I’m not sure that is true. Some people are more in tune with nature’s cycles in general (because they’ve stopped letting so called “civilization” get in the way), and when we honor and pay attention to those cycles, we are much more comfortable in our bodies.

Dana Gerhardt, in her column for this Full Moon, said:

As the Dark Moon comes to an end, sense for an internal energy shift. Wait for it. If you’ve rested properly, this will be a natural arising. It may come on the day of the New Moon or a day or so later, sometimes a day before. You’ll know when you feel a certain refreshed lightness of being, a slight or strong increase in your optimism, energy, and enthusiasm.
Observe these six days–Dark and New Moons–for a few months. Moonplay is an accumulative venture. Watching the Moon over time is how you get into rhythm. Doing it once or twice a year won’t change much.
If after observing New Moons, you’d like a further step, start observing Full Moons too. How do the days before, during, and after the Full Moon week differ from those of the Dark week? Let your body be the Rosetta Stone that helps you read the Moon’s flow. Get still. Breathe. Tune into the texture of the atmosphere—the energy—floating within and around you. Describe what you feel, even if it’s so subtle you think you’re making it up. Over time your sensitivity and discernment will increase.

There’s also a larger cycle going on right now, that of a Paradigm Shift, where we are leveling up. We’re at the point in the process where all of the goo is rising up to the surface to be purged. Just remember that it’s not just “out there,” it’s in each of us as well. Be mindful of where your own growth points are rising to the surface. If you have a Divine Love practice, shoot Divine Love at anything that has come up to be, well, healed and transmuted, whether it‘s within you or out there. Just remember that you have to aim that at yourself too or your world is always going to look like it needs to be transmuted. As I said at the beginning, your external experience is a mirror of your internal processes.

If you want to work with the energies, I’ll be doing a Full Moon Goddess Circle on Friday the 13th at 6:30pm Pacific.

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