[Gratitude] Thinking Positively

A number of years ago, I did a forty day practice of labyrinth walks. Based on the astrology of this month into next month, I feel called to do a practice of gratitude, based on the theme of the day, for the next 40 days. The themes are based on a kabbalistic formula that I was given by Spirit, and which I used for 365 Days to Enlightenment. I may not post all of it here, but if you’d like to play the home game, here are the gratitude themes:

12/1/21: Joy
12/2/21: Creativity & Love
12/3/21: Follow Through
12/4/21: Helping Others
12/5/21: Goals
12/6/21: Being Present
12/7/21: Cleaning Up the Past
12/8/21: Letting Go
12/9/21: Changing Old Habits
12/10/21: Sharing Love
12/11/21: Play
12/12/21: Grace
12/13/21: Shifting Your Focus to the Now

12/14/21: Thinking Positively – I can’t think of anything that puts me in a more positive mindset than gratitude, so I am grateful for this practice. I am grateful that I actually have any tools to shift my thinking out of negativity, because my head likes to go there. I am grateful to have so many gifts in my life, which makes it easy to focus on the positive. I am grateful to be able to think at all, and to choose where my focus goes. I am grateful for meditation, which helps me detach from the negativity in my head. I am grateful for you, the person reading this.

“Man is a mental being, and to know this is the first step on the road to freedom and prosperity, for as long as you believe yourself to be primarily physical, a superior kind of animal, you will remain in bondage—in bondage, that is to say, to your own habits of thought, for there is no other bondage.”
― Emmet Fox, Around the Year with Emmet Fox: A Book of Daily Readings

12/15/21: Being of Service
12/16/21: Becoming Admirable
12/17/21: Peace
12/18/21: Being Authentic
12/19/21: Shifting Out of a Mindset of Lack
12/20/21: Getting Out of Hatred
12/21/21: The Illusion of Separation
12/22/21: Working With Others
12/23/21: Want vs Need
12/24/21: The Beauty in Differences
12/25/21: Making the Holidays Mean Something
12/26/21: Freedom in Tranquility
12/27/21: Divine Friendship
12/28/21: As Without, So Within
12/29/21: Responsibility
12/30/21: Integrity
12/31/21: The Next Indicated Action
1/1/22: Sharing Joy
1/2/22: Active Prayer
1/3/22: Heart Song
1/4/22: Embracing Change
1/5/22: Regret
1/6/22: Miracles
1/7/22: Hope
1/8/22: Civilization
1/9/22: Spontaneity
1/10/22: Having a Sense of Humor

Note: Venus Retrograde (12/19-1/29) is also a great time to do this, There will be a post about this on the 17th.

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