Shifting into a 12-field system

Is it March that comes in like a lion out goes out like a lamb? This year I think it’s more coming in like a individualist and going out like a dreamer… See, we’re having an interesting phenomenon in the first half of the year where the planets, although they are moving, are bunching up,…

With apologies

Dearest readers As some of you know, I suffer from chronic health concerns stemming from a genetic disorder. I just don’t have it in me to do this week’s Monday Message. I have decided to be transparent about it rather than just blowing it off. May your week be lovely and filled with grace. and…

[Monday Message] Allowing for the miracle

How often have you allowed the words of others, or even your own mindset, to limit you? If you would like a miracle to happen in your life, maybe even more than one, you have to make space. When you get stuck in your ideas, there is no space for magic. When we draw a…

[Monday Message] Change Your Reality

What is reality, anyway? There’s a scientific theory, yet to be disproved, that space-time, the fabric of the universe and apparently the backdrop against which reality plays out, is a hologram (here’s another link in case you don’t subscribe to New Scientist). As a Shaman, I see no falsehood in the idea. To me, all…

[Monday Message] Exercising free will

Every person with a physical body has a Negative Ego. This is a part of us that is a holdover from the time of little technology and lots of predators above our weight class, so to speak. The Negative Ego told us “don’t leave the cave, and you won’t get eaten.” While it’s a fear-based…

[Monday Message] Hesitation

When you think about going after your goals, what stops you? Where is the hesitation? What is the fear? You are a cell in The Body Divine. Everything is in perfect order if you allow it to be. Fear is the illusion that this is not so. If you knew that, simply by committing yourself…

[Monday Message] Letting Go of Past Patterns

We all have patterns. Once we become aware of them, they annoy us (or traumatize us, or make us feel poorly about ourselves). We seem to be having the same boss/roommate/partner over and over and over again. Newsflash: The Universe is not doing this TO you. If you’re going to attribute it to the Universe…

[Monday Message] You Are How You Act

Your life, your very personality, is defined by how you act with others. The more conscious you are of your interactions, the more in control of your life you are. In order to be conscious of how you act out in the world, it helps to be conscious of how you act internally. Start by…

[Monday Message] Getting Past Dislike

A cute little video I put together to help us be at the same starting point on this We are here to evolve spiritually. Technically, we are here to re-member who we are. The process of that is spiritual evolution. Every person, critter, or situation comes into our lives as a teacher. Whenever we have…

[Monday Message] Slow Down

Oftentimes, I find myself rushing when what I really need to do is slow down. The only moment that exists is right now. When I ruminate too much on the past, I’m obsessing about things I can’t change. When I project too far into the future, I’m living in stories, and I’m ineffectual. I live…

[Monday Message] Good is an Active Choice

Negativity is the absence of positivity. Darkness is the absence of light. Evil is the absence of good. Today, make a choice. Decide to do something about the state of your life, the state of your community, the state of the world. And then take action. You get to have a say in how things…