[Monday Message] Slow Down

Oftentimes, I find myself rushing when what I really need to do is slow down. The only moment that exists is right now. When I ruminate too much on the past, I’m obsessing about things I can’t change. When I project too far into the future, I’m living in stories, and I’m ineffectual.

I live in a city, and if I just let the flow of the energy carry me along, I’m rushing here and there, I’m worries about getting somewhere on time, or I’m concerned about all the things I need to do, and I’m not present. If I’m not present, where I’m doing the actual work, my efforts aren’t very good. I miss details, or even entire steps, and then I have to redo whatever it was anyway.

The only moment that exists is right now, and that’s where The Divine is, that’s where magic happens, that’s where I’m working. So I need to slow down and get my feet under me.

About this time, my negative ego starts screaming about all the things I need to get done and that there’s not enough time.

Thing is, time is an illusion. Yes, it’s an illusion we have all agreed on, and it’s still an illusion. If I tell myself there’s not enough time, turns out there isn’t. If I tell myself I have enough time, turns out, I do. I can even tell myself I have all the time in the world, just to see what happens.

So I slow down. I savor the moment. I allow myself to breathe.

Try it. Slow down. Stop, right now, and take a breath. All the way in and all the way out.

Now, still breathing deeply, look around you, both physically and in your life in general. What’s really important? What do you absolutely have to accomplish today? What happens if you don’t, really? What are your priorities in life? Who is important to you? What can you think about letting go of?

Every time you catch yourself rushing, stop yourself and breathe for a moment. It will help get your life back in focus.

This post is part of a series called Monday Message, based on that day’s reflection from 365 Days to Enlightenment (authorized versions are currently out of print, working on a new edition). Check back next Monday for another one! You can also sign up for the Daily Message on my mailing list if you’d like to receive a new reflection every day. I also often post them to Instagram, if that’s a medium you enjoy.

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