[Monday Message] Allowing for the miracle

How often have you allowed the words of others, or even your own mindset, to limit you? If you would like a miracle to happen in your life, maybe even more than one, you have to make space. When you get stuck in your ideas, there is no space for magic. When we draw a…

[Monday Message] Letting Go of Past Patterns

We all have patterns. Once we become aware of them, they annoy us (or traumatize us, or make us feel poorly about ourselves). We seem to be having the same boss/roommate/partner over and over and over again. Newsflash: The Universe is not doing this TO you. If you’re going to attribute it to the Universe…

[Monday Message] Slow Down

Oftentimes, I find myself rushing when what I really need to do is slow down. The only moment that exists is right now. When I ruminate too much on the past, I’m obsessing about things I can’t change. When I project too far into the future, I’m living in stories, and I’m ineffectual. I live…

[Monday Message] Good is an Active Choice

Negativity is the absence of positivity. Darkness is the absence of light. Evil is the absence of good. Today, make a choice. Decide to do something about the state of your life, the state of your community, the state of the world. And then take action. You get to have a say in how things…

[Monday Message] Being truly rich

Being truly rich is a frame of mind. It has nothing to do with how much wealth you have, or how big your house is, or what kind of car you drive. It has nothing to do with “keeping up with the Joneses”. Prosperity can be measured by how many people love you, by how…

[Monday Message] Fear

At some point in history, that part of us that said “don’t leave the cave and you won’t get eaten” kept humans alive. So that operating system believes that, if it is not in charge, we are going to die. So it makes a lot of noise to keep our attention, and gets louder when…

[Monday Message] Uncovering Who You Are

Uncovering who you are is much like a sculptor creating their art. I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. I created a vision of David in my mind and simply carved away everything that was not David. -Michelangelo Your essence, your very core being, simply is. There is…

[Monday Message] Feel the Love

What is love? Love is not an emotion, although we have an emotional response to it. Love is a force, an energy. In its purest form, it is the energy that makes up the All. Until it comes through the ego, through the wounded self, it is unconditional. And what creates the wounded self? Receiving…

Taking your power back during Mercury Retrograde

This post is excerpted from the September newsletter Humans are wired to notice the negative more than the positive. At one point in our evolution, it was a survival skill. The point might have been your childhood, but maybe you were lucky and it’s just an ancient ancestors thing. In any event, this tendency, which…

[Monday Message] Loving the Unlovable

When someone acts out, when they yell or conduct themselves with arrogance or are purposefully hurtful, it is usually because they are hurting in some way, whether they will admit it or not. Often that hurt has a fear underneath it. Our negative ego, spurred on by living under late-stage capitalism, tells us we are…

[Monday Message] Building Your Support Network

With a nod to John Donne, no human is an island, we do not exist alone, life is a team sport. We all must needs support each other. The OED defines support as “1. Carry part of the weight of, hold up, keep from falling or sinking. 2. Enable to last out, keep from falling,…