How the solar activity is contributing to the Paradigm Shift

We’ve been having a lot of solar activity lately, which contribute to the edginess people are feeling from the Plutonian energy and the vibration from Mercury in Aries. So a lot of people are feeling jangly and/or drained. Or both, which is especially fun! Some public posts from my Patreon: April 16th April 19th April…

Venus entered Pisces on Monday

Venus is the planet that is in charge of what matters to us the most. She will tell you what’s important to you, if you didn’t already know. She likes it in Pisces; there is the potential here for love, abundance, flow, beauty, kindness, and harmony at a higher level. Key word: potential. There is…

Healing crisis – A short channeling about current energies

I suggest that you see current events as a healing crisis, as opposed to something that’s really f’ed up (because on the 3D level, it is absolutely f’ed up). When you’re in an illness, sometimes right before you get better, there’s this deep dive into just this ick. So think of this as a healing…

What is DBT and why is it on my calendar?

Sometimes I offer classes, like DBT, that don’t seem like they belong with the rest of my offerings. There’s always a reason though. [Also, to be clear, this is not me leading a class so much as holding space for a peer-led group. I am not a state-licensed therapist and anyone in the group also…

Pattern Recognition

This is the introduction from my recent Emotions & Ailments Workshop, and I felt like it should be shared to a wider audience, because it speaks to the foundations of so many things that I do. The audio has more information that the teaching notes below, but some people prefer the written word to listening…

[Monday Message] Hesitation

When you think about going after your goals, what stops you? Where is the hesitation? What is the fear? You are a cell in The Body Divine. Everything is in perfect order if you allow it to be. Fear is the illusion that this is not so. If you knew that, simply by committing yourself…

[Meditation] Healing the Impulse to Negative Self Talk

I have uploaded a new meditation to my YouTube Channel to help with having better self-dialogue. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube…

Equal Footing (reprint)

In honor of Juneteenth, this is a light rewriting of a post from 2014. The Monday Message will return next week. Legends, mythology, and stories abound with people giving up their worldly possessions on the path to enlightenment. I think a lot of people don’t really get what that’s about. I’m not sure I did…

[Monday Message] Letting Go of Past Patterns

We all have patterns. Once we become aware of them, they annoy us (or traumatize us, or make us feel poorly about ourselves). We seem to be having the same boss/roommate/partner over and over and over again. Newsflash: The Universe is not doing this TO you. If you’re going to attribute it to the Universe…

[Monday Message] You Are How You Act

Your life, your very personality, is defined by how you act with others. The more conscious you are of your interactions, the more in control of your life you are. In order to be conscious of how you act out in the world, it helps to be conscious of how you act internally. Start by…

[Meditation] Dissolving Negativity

I have uploaded a new meditation to my YouTube Channel to help dissolve negativity. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every…

[Monday Message] Getting Past Dislike

A cute little video I put together to help us be at the same starting point on this We are here to evolve spiritually. Technically, we are here to re-member who we are. The process of that is spiritual evolution. Every person, critter, or situation comes into our lives as a teacher. Whenever we have…