[Monday Message] Getting Past Dislike

A cute little video I put together to help us be at the same starting point on this

We are here to evolve spiritually. Technically, we are here to re-member who we are. The process of that is spiritual evolution.

Every person, critter, or situation comes into our lives as a teacher. Whenever we have strong feelings about someone else, positive or negative, it means that they are presenting us with an opportunity for learning and, therefore, evolution.

When we dislike being in someone’s presence, there is usually an ego-generated reason for that. Maybe they possess a quality that you dislike in yourself. Maybe their presence reminds you of your own bad behavior. Maybe they are so different from you that you feel the need to push them away rather than understand them. Maybe they trigger an old fear for you. Maybe they remind you of someone else with whom you need to do some healing. Maybe you owe them an apology for something and your ego has turned it into a pride-based resentment. It is the rare person who knows what the underlying reason is for not liking someone without doing a little soul searching first.

Whenever we have strong feelings about someone else, positive or negative, it means that they are presenting us with an opportunity for learning. Examine why it is that you really dislike someone, so that you can know yourself better. Examine also what it is that this person is giving you an opportunity to heal or learn. Maybe it’s an old relationship or wounding; maybe they are here to help you learn patience. As you gain understanding of how they are helping you grow, you start to open up to seeing the Divine in them, and your dislike will start to dissolve away.

The more you practice this, the more peaceful you will feel. That’s how you know it’s working – being closer to re-membering The Divine is peaceful.

This post is part of a series called Monday Message, based on that day’s reflection from 365 Days to Enlightenment (authorized versions are currently out of print, working on a new edition). Check back next Monday for another one! You can also sign up for the Daily Message on my mailing list if you’d like to receive a new reflection every day. I also often post them to Instagram, if that’s a medium you enjoy.

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