Let me tell you about today

Today is 8/19/24 I do a weekly forecast video (usually) on Patreon. Here’s some information about today: We kick off the week with a Full Moon, and the start of the four-day Democratic National convention, with a giant pro-Palestinian protest scheduled outside the convention center. Energetically I’m seeing cascading multiple events, with something going down…

Shifting into a 12-field system

Is it March that comes in like a lion out goes out like a lamb? This year I think it’s more coming in like a individualist and going out like a dreamer… See, we’re having an interesting phenomenon in the first half of the year where the planets, although they are moving, are bunching up,…

Butterflies & Grackles & Bees (oh my)

I’m on the island of Roátan this week. It’s a magical place. My husband scuba dives, and I tagged along. I managed to get up in time for breakfast today. I’m not a morning person, and we’re an hour ahead here. It’s taking me longer than usual to clear my head and get grounded. It…

Equal Footing (reprint)

In honor of Juneteenth, this is a light rewriting of a post from 2014. The Monday Message will return next week. Legends, mythology, and stories abound with people giving up their worldly possessions on the path to enlightenment. I think a lot of people don’t really get what that’s about. I’m not sure I did…

[Monday Message] What do you stand for?

Last week, I wrote about priorities, and suggested you figure out what the three areas in your life which are most important to you are. Those are (or speak to) your core values. If you know your core values, you know what you stand for, you know what you’ll fight form, and you know what…

[Monday Message] Know Thyself

The two mottos inscribed on the pediment of the temple of Apollo at Delphi were “know thyself” and “nothing in excess”. The idea was that, by avoiding excess and searching for the essence of one’s life within, one could have a sacred life. For people who ascribe to the belief that we are created in…

[Gratitude] As Without, So Within

A number of years ago, I did a forty day practice of labyrinth walks. Based on the astrology of this month into next month, I feel called to do a practice of gratitude, based on the theme of the day, for the next 40 days. The themes are based on a kabbalistic formula that I…

[Gratitude] Thinking Positively

A number of years ago, I did a forty day practice of labyrinth walks. Based on the astrology of this month into next month, I feel called to do a practice of gratitude, based on the theme of the day, for the next 40 days. The themes are based on a kabbalistic formula that I…

The month ahead (July 2021)

About a year ago, I wrote “Expect August to be the hardest month of 2021”. So we’re moving toward that. In January, I recommended Spend at least 5 minutes a day generating the feeling you will have when the desired future is an actuality, taking action to create the new paradigm in which you want…

Productivity Music, courtesy of the Sun

This just in from Spaceweather: High above the Arctic Circle in Lofoten, Norway, citizen scientist Rob Stammes operates a space weather monitoring station. His sensors detect ground currents, auroras, radio bursts, and disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field. Yesterday, he says, “I received a musical note from the magnetosphere.” “Around 05.30 UTC on Jan. 18th, our…

New Moon, a Solar Eclipse, and The End of 2020

Before I talk about the Eclipse, let me just say that I think the reason people get so hung up on New Year’s resolutions isn’t because of the calendar so much as the Sagittarius New Moon. The energy of Sagittarius is always looking ahead. New Moon are about setting intentions. It all makes sense! Ok,…