Looking toward classes for 2021

Good grief, it’s mid November already. Still feels like March. How odd. As I tend to do around this time of year, I’m weighing and evaluating my offerings for the next calendar year (actually, looking through the archives, I may not have made a post like this since 2017). It’s going to be at least…

What in the World: Samhain Edition

This is our Halloween/Day of the Dead/Samhain edition! Spoopy! My ever fabulous Social Media Marketing Assistant, Teagan, says I should give y’all more resources, like links, and she and Dave put together this treasure trove for you: (1m00) When the veil thins. Extra paranormal activities or consumerism? The explanation of Halloween and its history throughout…

Change the NOW

I’ve run into a new form of… I don’t know whether to call it spiritual bypassing, privilege, or unconscious bigotry. I’ve been chewing on it a bit and trying to find the right words. There has been a trend, especially in the last 10 years, for members of a marginalized group, when creating workshops, to…

Support yourself so you can support others

We all feel like we’ve been working hard already, possibly even struggling, so it’s important to make sure to recharge your batteries. You can’t support others if you don’t put your own oxygen mask on first. Support yourself; it makes you a good member of the community. So start by asking yourself what feeds you?…

What in the World: Perspectives and Ancient History

We got involved in some discussion that went long, so you get a two-parter! Check back next week for Part 2… In this episode, we talk about a burial cave in France, shifting timelines and stepping sideways, Neanderthals vs Saquatch, and cultural views about what “advanced” means… mostly… My ever fabulous Social Media Marketing Assistant,…

What in the World: Our Moon, Mars, and Magic No. 36

In this episode, we talk about Magic Number 36, our moon, and Mars… Mostly… My ever fabulous Social Media Marketing Assistant, Teagan, says I should give y’all more resources, like links, and she put together this treasure trove for you: (54 sec) Astrophysicists – The Guardian Article The magic number is 36 – The number…

Sun Rerun: Why Is the Internet Important for Change?

Considering how much time all of us are spending online right now, I thought this might be a good time to repost this article on using the Internet for change. The Internet is a manifestation of the Fourth Dimension, what some people call the Astral. There is no time, no space, and you are not…

Money, Addiction, and the Concept of Enough – The Long Read

Money is a poor excuse for a God. Are you surprised by my assertion that we’ve made it into a god? What do people mean when they say “I’ve lost faith in the economy”? Why does the United States put “In God We Trust” on our money? Why do people (and the state) determine their,…

Letting Go to Make Room For the New

Endings are as inevitable as beginnings. Change is the only constant. Death is a transition. Energy does not vanish. These times are bringing up a lot of grief for people. The way of life we have known is no more. People are still coming to terms with that. A vaccine may only be 50% effective,…

Tarot Reading for August 2020

When I do a reading, different decks speak to me. As my clients know, I often mix decks. Two decks yelled at me for August – The Starman Tarot, by Davide and Esther De Angelis, which I have used often for readings on the blog, and my new favorite deck, The Tarot of Bones by…

The timeline possibilities – peering into the future

Spirit asked me to look at the timeline possibilities going forward. I want to preface this by saying that (a) anyone who tells you they can accurately predict the future is trying to sell you something and (b) the farther away from NOW one tries to look (when looking forward), the less chance for accuracy…

Changing the world through sacrifices

What if you were making the sacrifices you’ve been making, not from a place of fear, but from a place of empowerment? What if your sacrifices could fuel a paradigm shift of epic proportions, where inequality and bigotry had no place in the system? How would you view your situation then? How would you use…