Looking toward classes for 2021

Good grief, it’s mid November already. Still feels like March. How odd.

As I tend to do around this time of year, I’m weighing and evaluating my offerings for the next calendar year (actually, looking through the archives, I may not have made a post like this since 2017).

It’s going to be at least summer before I am willing to even entertain putting people together in a room, and it’s more likely to be some time in 2022. So, everything will continue to be online.

It’s possible that I’ll be offering the Full Moon Rituals and New Moon Meditations as recordings (which would remove any gender requirements). Might do the Solar Observances as a recording as well. If so, that will probably only be available as a Patreon subscription.

I already know I’m offering Psychic Protection in January (and Healing the Ancestral Lineage has been rescheduled for this December, if you missed it).

The meditations will likely continue.

Other classes I’ve been contemplating are my full length Tarot Class, a workshop for moving through trauma, my little crystals class, and/or Meditating with Chronic Pain.

It’s weird not having a kabbalah offering, but I have to figure out how to format it for an online class. This might be the time to do the Shamanic or Norse Kabbalah classes I’ve been contemplating…

Same for Shamanism. Some things I won’t offer online, but I may do a Medicine Bubble workshop, The Emotional Root of Disease, Principles of Shamanism, maybe Ceremonial Design, Allies, and something with sacred herbs… I may see if my Faery Shamanism class wants to be taught online…

I think I’m going to reformat the Tarot Playshop, and have each month have a particular focus… Ideas include

  • Removing gender and sexuality from readings
  • Using cards for personal transformation
  • Combining decks
  • Alternative ways of making friends with a new deck
  • I might even make it more of a Divination Playshop, which would allow us to play with Runes and dowsing and other oracling techniques…

    I keep toying with a monthly ‘come hang out with me and let’s shoot the shit about all things woo’ sort of thing, but it’s probably too nebulous.

    If you have any thoughts, a class I’ve taught in the past you would love to take or even retake, something I haven’t offered but you want me to teach… Please let me know. This is the perfect time, since I’m only just now getting around to planning.

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