In The Beforetimes, I would have students from the Tarot Playshop give me at least one question (each) every month to put “in the kitty” so that future classes would have queries for the sample readings in subsequent months. You may find this hard to believe, but it’s challenging to pass me a folded slip…
Category: Tarot
Inclusivity in Service – reading for people with a different lived experience than ours
I’m part of a lovely, intimate book club focused on witchy and queer literature. A few months ago, we read a book called Queering the Tarot by Cassandra Snow. Brilliant book. From the blurb on the back: In Queering the Tarot, Cassandra Snow deconstructs the meanings of the 78 cards, explaining the ways in which…
Looking toward classes for 2021
Good grief, it’s mid November already. Still feels like March. How odd. As I tend to do around this time of year, I’m weighing and evaluating my offerings for the next calendar year (actually, looking through the archives, I may not have made a post like this since 2017). It’s going to be at least…
Announcement: I now have a Patreon!
If you enjoy my posts, sound baths, meditations, and newsletter, there’s a new way to support my work for as little as $5 per month. Patreon, for those of you who are unfamiliar, is a way to support authors, artists, healers, and other creatives, much in the way old-school patrons would in the past. In…
Tarot Reading for September 2020
This is the month to explore the elements in your life that foster new growth and new ideas; to look at the negatively charged stories in the narrative of your life and reframe them; to break open your story so you can evolve into the person you want to be. 2020 has been about paradigm…
Connecting Pursuits: A Reading from the Tarot Playshop
I have been reaching Tarot in various forms for a number of years. I currently have a monthly Tarot Playshop, where we focus on the practical aspects of reading; it’s good for any experience level. Anyway, in the course of teaching, at least while we were in person, I always ask my students to submit…
Tarot Reading for August 2020
When I do a reading, different decks speak to me. As my clients know, I often mix decks. Two decks yelled at me for August – The Starman Tarot, by Davide and Esther De Angelis, which I have used often for readings on the blog, and my new favorite deck, The Tarot of Bones by…
Looking forward to May 2020
(This post is a combination of two articles from my May 2020 newsletter) Blessed Beltane! Beltane (falls on 5/5/20) is the midway point between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice (in the Northern half of the globe) and is also one of the two times a year when the veil is at its thinnest. In…
How to Win (a reading for April 2020)
The April newsletter didn’t offer a reading, so here it is: This month’s card is The Chariot (VII), from the Starman Tarot Davide and Esther say this about the card: The Chariot is the war vehicle that carries this dreadlocked Bowie-esque king forward to victory against his enemies. His battle-dress, demeanor, and maturity suggests he…
A quick reading for March 2020
This reading originally appeared in the March 2020 newsletter. Winning of any kind involves sacrifices. At first glance, the difference between ‘winning at a cost’ and ‘winning at any cost’ might seem trivial, but deeper inspection uncovers stories of lives and careers, shattered and broken. In the conflagration of a blinding obsession and quest for…
Forecast: Looking Ahead to 2020
As I’m doing my 2020 forecasts for clients, a theme keeps coming up over and over again, and it came up in a student reading in Journey the Mystical Tarot as well. So I thought I would share the information here. This is a pivotal year world-wide. Numerologically, we are in a year of either…
Tarot Playshop Reading for December
I hold a Tarot Playshop on the first Wednesday of the month, in which we explore intuitive card reading. It is open to all levels of experience, including the brand new novice. We work more with the visual language of the cards than with memorization of card meanings, and how to improve our intuition. As…