Pyrite and Abundance

Just this week, I came across a wonderful pyrite and obsidian disk, about an inch and a half in diameter, with a hole in the middle. I couldn’t put it down, so it came home with me. It’s very soothing. I’ve long known that pyrite is good for generating abundance, but I’m told it’s also good for healing, especially in the realm of prosperity.

All money is, is a physical representation of an exchange of energy. Anything else we attache to it is exactly that, an attachment. A lot of people have some interesting ideas about money and abundance, and it can impede their flow. I’ve been working steadily over the years to heal my own issues with all things financial, so it’s rather nice that this piece has made its way into my life.

I felt called to wear it on my left wrist today, at the pulse point, attached with a red ribbon. Left is usually the receiving (as opposed to projecting) hand for most people. Red is the color of the first chakra, which is the first place a money imbalance is going to hit; it’s also the color associated with money and good fortune in southeast Asia. There’s a line in my morning rituals that connects my pulse to the pulse of the Universal power. So I’m not surprised that it felt good.

I have other abundance tools I’m using, but this one was loud today, so I thought I would share. It’s good to take a conscious look at how you’re dealing with issues of abundance and prosperity.

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