For the Aries New Moon

Before he makes each one of us, God speaks.

Then, without speaking, he takes each one out of the darkness.

And these are the cloudy words God speaks before each of us begins:

“You have been sent out by your senses.
Go to the farthest edge of desire, and give me clothing:
burn like a great fire so that the stretched-out shadows of the things of the world cover me completely.
Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
You must just go– no feeling is the farthest you can go.
Don’t let yourself be separated from me.
The country called life is close.
By its seriousness, you will know it.
Give me your hand.”

-Rainer Maria Rilke

This is the first New Moon after Spring Equinox, so its energy is particularly potent. If you’re observing it on your own tonight, here are some ideas:

  • Sweep the areas around all your external doors (inside and out). Decorate the area around your front door. Put out a little jar of honey and cinnamon somewhere near the front door, perhaps with three dimes in it, to attract prosperity and new business.
  • Get rid of things that no longer serve you, or at least pack them up and put them out of the way if you think you might need them again later. Get rid of all the little piles of things. Clean out the junk drawer. Throw out old food in your fridge. Make a run to Out of the Closet. Separate the plants in your garden if they’re growing too close together. Get all that filing done.
  • Put down your burdens through ritual, journaling, and therapy, so that you can be present for the coming changes, so that you adapt and flow.

This next cycle contains 2 eclipses, one lunar and one solar, so themes to consider are journeys, revelation, and looking at the roots of what you’re creating.


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