
I have just returned from a magical vacation in Iceland. We saw volcanoes and glaciers and waterfalls and black sand beaches and geothermal fields. We melted in a geothermal lagoon. We saw Icelandic horses and sheep and herds of reindeer and a myriad of types of bird. We ate exotic foods. We saw elven rocks and faery houses and I talked to ghosts. We stood on the Mid-Atlantic Rift. We learned history and mythology and language. We stayed in a room named Odinn in the town of Bifrost.

And yet, walking the dog this morning, it struck me how wonderful it is to live where I do. Produce is plentiful. The air frequently carries the scent of tropical flowers. The sunshine is (at least today) warm on my skin without being oppressive. There are always things to do or see or enjoy. The closest I come to thinking about layers is remembering to grab a cardigan. The pace of my life is fairly relaxed and I can choose to not buy in to the drama around me or to not allow the challenges in my own life to be drama.

What are the simple things in your life for which you are grateful?

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