[Monday Message] Passionate Goals

If people have goals for which they have no passion, they’re not really goals. Those are things that other people have told them they need to go after. Passionate goals are true goals.

What are you passionate about?

People learn best, are motivated, strive for new things when they get a glimmer of the goal, of the end result, and they begin to yearn for it. After that, they will do anything they can to reach that goal, if they can move past their fear.

What do you yearn for? Can you feel it in your bones? How clear is your vision of the end result? Can you generate the feeling you will have when that goal is achieved?

Spend some time every day, it only needs to be about 5 minutes, envisioning the goal accomplished and feeling those feelings. Immediately after, do some free form journaling to see what your next indicated actions will be. Don’t forget to take the actions.

Any fears that come up can be walked through, I promise you.

Now, if you don’t know what you are passionate about, that requires more work. You might need to get a coach or a mentor. It is a good idea to have something about which you are passionate, though, so make it your business to find out!

This post is part of a series called Monday Message, based on that day’s reflection from 365 Days to Enlightenment (authorized versions are currently out of print, working on a new edition). Check back next Monday for another one! You can also sign up for the Daily Message on my mailing list if you’d like to receive a new reflection every day. I also often post them to Instagram, if that’s a medium you enjoy.

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