December 2021 will be about finding the right questions to ask. Sometimes we aren’t getting clear answers because we’re not actually asking the right questions. Play with that a little. The month kicks off with Hanukah and a New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (12/4). Although there are some challenging planetary aspects here, Sag…
Category: Mysticism
40 Days of Gratitude
A number of years ago, I did a forty day practice of labyrinth walks. Based on the astrology of this month into next month (more details on that coming on Friday), I feel called to do a practice of gratitude, based on the theme of the day, for the next 40 days. The themes are…
The month ahead (July 2021)
About a year ago, I wrote “Expect August to be the hardest month of 2021”. So we’re moving toward that. In January, I recommended Spend at least 5 minutes a day generating the feeling you will have when the desired future is an actuality, taking action to create the new paradigm in which you want…
The Magdalene
July 22nd is the feast day of Mary Magdalene. The information about Her handed down by The Church is faulty at best. As Hers is an energy I work with, I thought I would share some of my information. The Magdalene was a Queen, mystically trained, from northeastern Africa, the area called Ethiopia, whose borders…
Solar Wind incoming on the 15th and 16th
A high-speed stream of solar wind is approaching Earth. ETA: June 15-16. The gaseous material is flowing from a southern hole in the sun’s atmosphere and could spark high-latitude auroras when it arrives. –SpaceWeather Solar wind doesn’t disrupt the electromagnetic field in the same way a CME does, although they still can cause geomagnetic storms,…
Thinning of the veil, Taurus & Scorpio energy, solar activity, meteors…
This is one of my favorite energies of the year. Yes, I’m in one of my mourning periods, but there’s also all this Scorpio meets Taurus energy (which is where I live). It’s all sexy and earthy and sensual and feet-in-the-mud. This year, we’ve also got some meteor shower and solar activity. This is supercharged….
A reading for April ’21 using Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson
W O L F Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan to teach and share medicine… The motto for April is More Will Be Revealed. Innovations, spectacular revelations, and skeletons falling out of closets are all probable. This trend asks us to take a look at the path…
Mercury is Retrograde in Aquarius
Welcome to Mercury Retrograde. Stop.Breathe.Ground.Look at where you are.Look at how you got here.Are there loose ends to be tied up? This is not the time for shortcuts. S L O W D O W N . . .Be mindful of where you allow your attention to dwell.
Remember the Black Arts Ice Cream Social?
First gathering will be Sunday the 24th. Tell your friends! A number of years ago, in The Beforetimes, there was a monthly gathering affectionately called The Black Arts Ice Cream Social. It was a monthly gathering in the Los Angeles area that sought to create a strong sense of community for spiritually-minded people who may…
Like A Fish Out Of Water
In the past 24 hours, I have had at least 4 people reach out to me to ask about things like Higher Consciousness, connecting with The Divine, Fear, and Spiritual Practice. There must be something in the air. More importantly, to me as a Shaman, is the pattern of it. Whenever I have 2 or more…